Thesis/Dissertation Hold Request Extension

Twin Cities, Duluth


This process is for doctoral research and master's plan A students only. 

In accordance with Regents’ policy regarding withholding of research results, plan A master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation students must have their thesis or dissertation published, but can request a temporary delay on the release of their thesis or dissertation to the public. During this temporary delay period, the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation will not be released. Any copies of the thesis/dissertation purchased through ProQuest will be fulfilled after the hold expires. The hold period begins immediately after the official date of degree conferral. 


To extend the delay in making your thesis available to the public, please answer all questions as directed. 

When the hold request expires, your thesis or dissertation will be released for publication. You will not receive a notification when your hold is expiring, or when your thesis or dissertation has been published.

A thesis or dissertation can be held for a total of 4 years, including any previous requests.


You must submit this form before your first hold request expires. 

After you and your advisor(s) have completed this form, it will be routed to the Office of the Registrar for processing. Processing may take 3-5 business days. You will receive a confirmation email when your form has been processed. 

Get help

For questions about this process, contact Graduate Student Services and Progress (GSSP). For technical issues contact UMN Technology Help


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